The Bad Ass Characters

Just look at her! Who does she think she is? Strutting in with her wavy shoulder length brown hair, framing a heart shaped face and Lavender eyes. Wearing a size 8 Leather outfit as she enters the paranormal arena throwing up Rock Horns, followed by her motley looking crew:

Jaxson- The dark haired handsome man with chocolate mousse eyes whom she is in love with but cannot have. Although, he begs to differ.

Oliver Zane "Ozzie"- The bad boy supernatural/paranormal hunter who is dating the best friend and perhaps the only human in the group.

Paige Hendrix- The tall, long blonde haired, blue eyed best friend.

Sebastian-The tall, pale, and handsome dreamboat that dances his way into her arms and steals the only life she knows.

I will tell you who she is, Anna Skott! The newest face on the scene and the most promised to be on everyone’s lips. She’s not your average Jane and not your stereotypical Vampire. Her persona is way cooler than humans and a totally different breed in the vampire world. Anna is truly a one of a kind.

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